Friday, November 13, 2009

Does anyone know howto make the colour fuchsia (bright pink) using primary colours?

I am trying to make it using acrylic paints

Does anyone know howto make the colour fuchsia (bright pink) using primary colours?
Fuchsia, also known as magenta, is a true primary colour when you're mixing pigments. You can't mix it from anything else. You can actually get red from mixing magenta and yellow. Magenta is an expensive pigment and it wasn't used in traditional palettes, but it is now available in most brands of quality artist's paints.

The confusion about red being a primary colour comes from the fact that in light theory, such as pixels of light on your computer screen, the primaries are red, blue violet and green. You can get yellow by mixing red and green light. In pigments such as paint, the true primaries are magenta, cyan (sky blue) and yellow. Red and magenta are neighbours on the colour wheel.
Reply:red, white and lacquer
Reply:Fuchsia is red/violet.

Mix 3 parts red to 1 part blue and you should end up with something approximating to the colour you want.

Mix in more red or more blue until it is exactly what you want.

The human eye can detect over a million different shades of colour, so experiment until you get it exact.

Don't add any white or black as it will just "muddy" your hue.
Reply:With red blue and yellow thats not can try adding white to the red if you have white...if not just add some watter to the red...thats the best way
Reply:The primary colors in painting are magenta, cyan, yellow and black. Get a tube of magenta and you will see how amazingly similar it is to fuchsia... may be adding just a bit of blue and a tiny bit of yellow to desaturate.
Reply:Start with a lot of white and add a little red to it. Keep adding a little red until you get the shade you want.
Reply:To get the color bright pink the only two colors needed are red and white, the brighter you want the less red you need.
Reply:I'm not sure exactly, but to find out go into your Paint program and then create a new color. Once you get to the color you want, you should get a pretty good idea of what colors you need to make this color.
Reply:Do you mean primary for colours as in paint or for colours as in light?
Reply:Red with a little white.
Reply:A lot of red, a little white, and maybe a teeny bit of light blue to give it a purplish cast
Reply:white, yellow, and red

The more white and yellow used the brighter the color. White helps to make it lighter, while yellow helps to brighten it and bring the colors out.

If you want to make it a bit darker add some blue or black.
Reply:try making the color on a computerized art program.
Reply:a lot of red and a little yellow or white?
Reply:I think blue and red and white.

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