Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am considering reglazing my bath tubs...?

We have two bath tubs in the house we bought. Tub #1 is a cast-iron pink tub, and tub #2 is a super-sized acrylic of the most hideous shade of fuchsia that you can imagine. We'd like to reglaze them white. Has anyone had experience reglazing tubs --- how well does it work on cast-iron vs acrylic?

We're also considering having the surrounding ceramic tile reglazed to match the white color. Ever do this? How did it turn out? Did you do it yourself or hire someone?

I am considering reglazing my bath tubs...?
We hired someone to do it (the evenness of the coating is better that way) and it worked really well on the ceramic tile. Our cast-iron tub has peeled a little around the drain, though. I don't know about the acrylic. Other than the part around the drain, it still looks really good nearly 5 years later.
Reply:The materials used are hazardous so this is a job for professionals! As with most refinishing jobs the prep work is very important. Look in Yellow pages under "Tub refinishing" or "Tile refinishing". Ask for references from other customers and call them and ask for their opinion.

Works well on either cast or acrylic if applied properly. Be careful not to drop hard objects in tub as it will chip easier than original surface. Follow your installers instructions on cleaning.

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