Monday, April 27, 2009

Fuchsia, so delicate, please tell me how to grow fuchsia.?

I just adore fuchsia, so delicate and beautiful. I bought one for my mother-in-law and she let it die, not on purpose, she just isn't into plants the way that I am. I want a fuchsia, please advise me how to take care of them, can they be started by seed? They seem too delicate for transplanting. Please advise me

Fuchsia, so delicate, please tell me how to grow fuchsia.?
Fuchsias are originally from tropical America. They attract Hummingbirds as they bloom all summer from late spring until the first frost. They are available in several forms including upright shrubs or trailing hanging basket forms. Fuchsias grow best in cool-summer areas where there is a lot of moisture in the soil and the air. Fuchsias can only be planted in full sun in some of the cooler zones. Generally, they should be planted so they receive a small amount of morning sun or dappled shade all day long. If your summers are warm, windy or dry, you should protect your fuchsia by planting it in a location where it will be sheltered from the wind and will not receive hot afternoon sun.

Fuchsia blooms appear on new growth, so if you prune your fuchsia, be sure to do it before the new spring growth. Fuchsias readily accept pruning so you can prune the plant to keep it a particular size or to remove broken branches. Prune frost-damaged stems only after the last frost has past.

Fuchsias require porous, water-retentive acid soil that is rich in organic matter. Plants in containers or hanging baskets will need more water as they will dry out faster than those in the ground. For hanging baskets or containers, regular fertilizing will keep the plant blooming through out the season. A fertilizer such as Osmocote 14*3 works well.

Fuchsia may be propagated by seed or stem tip cuttings. The seed germinates in 21 to 28 days at temperatures between 70 and 75 °F. Firm down the growing media, then sow the seed on top. Cover the seed with a thin layer of media and firm it down again.
Reply:Thank You so much for your information, I eagerly await the new growing season. You must own a nursery, you know so much about plants. Thanks again! Report It

Reply:I love them too, especially the fact they they attract hummingbirds and butterflies!You can grow them from seed but I find it much easier to plant them from nursery stock. I *make* my own hanging planters every year by purchasing small plants and planting them myself in hanging baskets. Use a GOOD potting soil...I love Miracle-Gro soil because it already has fertilizer in it that lasts up to 3 months! This makes care much easier. They like shade and moist soil so be sure to check the moisture level daily. They tend to dry out rather quickly in the heat of summer especially if they are in part-sun, which they can easily tolerate if watered daily. Fertilize every 2 weeks if not using a soil mix that already has it in it. If using a pre-fertilized soil, fertilize after about 8-10 weeks. Be sure to deadhead spent blooms to ensure continuous blooms throughout the summer. Enjoy!
Reply:all you really need to do is take a few cuttings,put in a jar of water on the window sill.they will soon every time

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